
Ways to Improve your Call to Action and Boost your Click-Through Rate

April 1, 2021

It is essential that mobile ads include an engaging call to action (CTA), which involves a clear objective for users, and a precise way to complete the objective. CTAs come in all shapes and sizes, such as to drive traffic to a site, complete a lead generation form, sign up for a newsletter, redeem a coupon, locate the nearest store or, download an app.

While an effective CTA requires inputs from marketing strategy and copywriting, it is important for designers to understand how color, scale and animation influence the effectiveness of the CTA.

Choose the Right Dimensions

The dimensions of your buttons are very important. You do not want to overwhelm your design with a call to action that is too large, and you don’t want it to be too small, as it may get lost in the rest of the content on the page.

Use Striking Colors

Using a contrasting background color to make your CTA stand out from the rest of your ad creative. Different colors perform best depending on your app category, but take a look at our different infographics for user ad engagement on Casual PuzzleRole Playing & Strategy, and Marketplace to learn more!

Create a Sense of Urgency

Use content that will motivate your audience to click now instead of later. It could be a limited time offer or limited number of available items. Use a repeating animation effect on the button that grabs the attention of the user such as pulsing, shining or bouncing.

Provide Benefits to the User

Incentivize users to click on the CTA by using engaging copy about what benefits the user will enjoy. An example could be to get free credits or get a free install! This motivation will inspire action. 

Keep it Simple

Keep your users interested by keeping the path to action, as well as the path to conversion clear and easy. Should you have multiple CTAs, which is not advisable, select one to be dominant over the others and give this more focus.  

Test your CTAs

It is amazing how often there is one clear best performer, even among very similar creatives, so it is always worth doing testing. Use A/B tests to help you determine which kind of CTAs work best and use that information in future campaigns, and build a library of high performing formats with compelling CTAs.

By improving CTAs in your mobile advertisements, your campaign will see more clicks and conversions, and you will keep your target audience engaged for longer. Our in-house creative team uses our proprietary creative suite, Aarki Studio, to create and test different formats of ad creatives with ease. Equipped with multivariate tools, we can determine the optimal ad variation, such as the best CTA, which is sure to entice your users. Learn more about Aarki’s Creative Optimization here.